Terms of Service


Beaumont Displays officially operates this web page. As you peruse through the website, note that the use of terms like “we”, “us”, and “our” have been used to refer to the official Beaumont Displays Company. As our esteemed user, we at Beaumont Displays offer you the contents of this website and the information contained herein, inclusive of the tools and the services on condition that you accept the terms and conditions as well as the policies and notices stated herein.

When you visit our website and purchase something from us, you engage yourself in our “service” and therefore you are bound by the terms and conditions listed below under either “Terms of Service” or just “Terms”. This is inclusive of the added policies and other terms and conditions referred to herein or availed to you via hyperlink. The terms and conditions listed here are applicable to every user of our website, including but not limited to the vendors, the random browsers, occasional merchants, and those who contribute to the content of the web page.

Carefully read through our Terms of Service in depth before using our website in any way. By using any information available on this website or by accessing any part of this website, you are agreeing to be bound by our terms of service. If you are not in agreement with any of our terms and conditions, then you may not be able to use any of our services or even access the website. If you consider our Terms of Service as an offer, then you are expressly required to accept them.

Any new additions of the store’s tools and features of our website will also be subjected to our Terms of Service. Refresh the web page anytime to be able to view the most updated version of the Terms of Service. In overall, the rights to update, make changes to, or replace any section of our Terms of Service as well as the rights to post updates or make changes on our website are owned and reserved by us. You should keep refreshing the website to view these changes, and when you continue to use and access our website, you thereby agree to be bound by any changes to our Terms of Service.


Agreeing to our Terms of Service means that you accept that you are at least of the age of majority in you residential state of province, or that you are of the majority age in the state or province you reside in and that we have you consent to allow any minor dependents under you to use our website.

You shall not use our products for any purposes that are considered illegal or unauthorized, nor shall you, in using the Terms of Service, be in violation of any laws within your jurisdiction inclusive but unlimited to the copyright laws.

You may not be the cause for transmission of worms or viruses of any kind, nor may you transmit any code that is considered destructive in nature.

If you are in breach of or in violation of any of our Terms of Service, your services with us will be immediately terminated.


The right to refuse or deny service to any user for any given reason and at any given time is reserved solely by Beaumont Displays.

You are in understanding that your content, excluding your credit card information, may be transferred in its unencrypted form across various networks and may be subjected to several changes to conform to the required technical status of other networks and connection devices. Your credit card information remains encrypted when being transferred over the other networks.

You hereby agree that you will not engage in any form of reproductions, copying, reselling, duplication, selling, or exploitation of any of the Terms of Service, and that you will not use the Terms of Service and access our website, or use any of the contact information herein without a written and validated permission from us.

That the headings in this agreement are purely for convenience and are not in any way meant to limit or affect our Terms of Service in any way.


We will not be held responsible for information herein that may be deemed non-current, incomplete, or inaccurate. The content on our website is meant for general information only and you may not rely on it purely to make a decision based on it without further consultation from a source that is more accurate or a source that is considered timelier or more primary. Rely solely on the material herein at your own risk.

Our website may be inclusive of some historical information which may not be necessarily current and as such may only be used for reference. Modification of material on this website at any given time and for any given reason is reserved solely by us, but updating information on our website is not our obligation. You are agreeing that monitoring the changes made on our website is your sole responsibility.


The prices indicated on our website for our products are bound to change without any notice.

We hold the right to make changes, modify, or stop a given service, a part of content, or a part of our Terms of Service without notice.

We shall not be held responsible for any changes in prices, any modifications or changes, any suspended or discontinued services, to you or to any third parties.


Some of our products or services that are available strictly on our online platform on our website may be in limited quantities and are as such only subject to returning or exchanging  strictly based on our Return Policy.

The displays of the images and the colors of our products on our website are as accurate as possible and in full representation of our products as they appear in our stores. We may not guarantee that the monitor display of your computer will reflect the same accuracy.

We have the right to put a limit on the sales of our products and services to a given individual, a given area of jurisdiction, or a given geographical location, but do not hold the sole obligation to. This right may be exercised in specific cases. We reserve the full rights to put a limit on the products and services available on our website. At our sole discretion, we reserve the right to change the pricing and product descriptions without notice and at any given time. The right to discontinue any product or service at any given time is reserved by us. An offer for a product or service herein is null and void when prohibited.

We cannot guarantee that the quality of any of our products and services, as well as the information and general material obtained through our website will be as per your expectations or that any shortcomings on the services will be rectified.


We reserve the right to stop an order placed with us by you or any other third party. Limits may be put, and quantities obtained per person, per order, or per household may be limited or cancelled, solely at our discretion. The restrictions may be based upon clients using the same credit card, clients that place orders on the same contact information and billing addresses, or orders placed by several clients on the same account. The email address or billing address provided on placing the order will be used to contact you in any case there are changes to your order, or cancellations to the same. If we detect that an order was placed by a reseller, a dealer, or a redistributor, we have the full right to put a limit or prohibit the same altogether.

You are agreeing to provide your most current, most accurate, and complete account information for any orders placed on our website. You are also agreeing to be prompt in updating your account information which is inclusive of your email address as well as your credit card information and expiration dates when and as needed to.

For any more information, please refer to our Return Policy.


When necessary, we may enable your access to specific third-party tools that we do not keep watch over or have any control over.

You are agreeing and acknowledging that the tools are provided as they are, and as and when they are available with no warranty, no representation, no conditions, or no endorsement whatsoever. We may not be held accountable or liable for any mishap emanating from or that is in relation to your use of the provided tools.

You may use the optional tools provided through our website in your own full discretion and at your own risk, after familiarizing yourself with the written Terms of Service given by the specific third-party owners.

If in future we provide new products and services or features of the same via our web page, then these may also be subjected to the same Terms of Service.


Some material, products and services, as well as content obtained from our website may contain content from third-parties.

You may be redirected to third-party web pages that may not have any affiliations with us. We may not be held responsible or liable for any examinations or evaluations on the material based on the accuracy and valid warranties of those websites, or their products and services.

We do not own the liability for any damaged goods and products, material, or content affiliated with third-party websites. It is your responsibility to review and carefully go through the policy statements of the third-party websites and ensure you fully understand before you can make an informed decision of engaging in a transaction with them. As such, if there are complaints, questions, or any concerns or claims, they should be raised with the third-party providers.


We reserve the right to edit, redistribute, publish, translate, or copy at any given time and with no restrictions, any ideas, creative suggestions, suggested proposals, or any submissions and material made to us by you whether via online email, by postal mail or otherwise, with no written request from Beaumont Displays. We do not have any obligation to keep your submissions in confidence or to compensate for them via payments, and neither are we obligated to respond to your submissions.

We may edit and remove material that we deem offensive, defamatory, obscene, unlawful, pornographic, or threatening, or material that appears to violate any section of our Terms of Service, but we are not fully obligated to the same.

You are agreeing that your comments and submissions will not be found in any violations of rights, copyrights, trademark policies, privacy agreements, or personal and personality proprietary rights of any third-party websites.

You are also in agreement that your submitted comments will not have any obscene content, unlawful or abusive language, libelous content, or computer malware and viruses that could in one way or another affect the performance of our website or any other related websites. You may not be found to use false information like email addresses, you may not be found to impersonate another person, and you may not mislead us or other related parties on the origin of any submissions.

You are agreeing to be solely responsible for any submitted comments you send to us, and every aspect of their accuracy. We are not in any way responsible, nor may we be assumed liable for submissions by you or any other party.


The personal information you submit to us is solely governed by our Privacy Policy.

View our Privacy Policy for more information.


Occasionally, information on our website may have typing errors, inaccurate content, or omitted information, and these may or may not be in direct reference to our product pricing, product descriptions, product promotion, running offers, shipping charges of our products and services, and/or availability of goods, products, and services. We reserve the sole right to edit these anomalies, change web page information, update product information, and even cancel placed orders at any given time without any notice whether it happens before or after you place your order.

We are not obligated to updating, amending, or clarifying information in our Terms of Service including but not limited to product prices, as expected of us by the governing laws. This may not apply to all the information on the website though.


You are agreeing that you are prohibited from using this website and its content for any purposes that: may be deemed unlawful.

You are agreeing that you will not use material herein for attempts to solicit favors of any kind from others.

You are agreeing that you will not use the information herein for violation of rules of law, federal and international laws, and provincial or state regulatory laws.

You are agreeing not to infringe and violate our intellectual rights and those of others.

You are agreeing that you may not be found to be harassing , defaming, slandering, intimidating, insulting, or harming anyone based on their sexual orientation, gender, race, disability, religion, age, or ethnicity.

You agree that you may not be found to have given wrong information herein.

You are agreeing that you may not be found transmitting viruses and other malware that may bring harm to the functionality of our website or other related websites.

You agree not to be collecting or keeping track of the personal information of other clients on our website.

You are agreeing not to be found spamming, pretexting, crawling, pharming, scraping, phishing, or spidering material found on our website and other related websites.

You agree not to use information herein for any purposes that promote immorality and obscene acts.

You agree not to hinder the actualization of the security protocol of our Terms of Services and those of any of the related websites and the internet as a whole by any acts of interference or circumventing.

We reserve the full right to put a stop to our agreement with you and to terminate our partnership with you if you are found to be in violation of any of the above prohibited uses.


We cannot guarantee or warrant that there will be no interruptions, that there will be timely turnaround timelines, or that there will be a perfectly secure and no presence of errors on our websites.

We are not guaranteeing that the outcomes of your using our website will be perfect in accuracy and reliability.

You are in agreement that we may take down some Terms of Services for unspecified lengths of time, or that we may stop some services at any time without giving you prior notice.

You are also in agreement that your being able or being able to use our services and material is solely your responsibility and your own risk. We can only provide for you the services and products as is and/or as available.

Beaumont Displays and it official board of directors, its verified officers, its employees, its official agents, suppliers, and its service providers, as well as its licensors are not to be held in liability of direct or indirect loss and claim as well as injuries or damages that may or may not incur loss of profit or revenue, loss of data, or any loss arising from your using of our services, and goods and/or products available via our website or otherwise. This is as a result of the fact that some areas of jurisdiction do not accept liability for damages such as those, leaving us exposed, hence we shall only be liable only to the extent allowed by operational laws.


You are hereby agreeing to indemnify , hold in defense, and consider of no harm Beaumont Displays alongside our official affiliates, partners, official agents, subcontractors, official service providers, and employees, as well as our board of directors, of any breach arising from your use or the use of third parties or your violation of any laws or rights.


If any of our Terms of Service is deemed unlawful or any such way, or in any way be deemed as to be void of content, that shall give a provision for the full extent of enforceable laws as permitted and applied by our Terms of Service without any effect on the validity and other provisions.


All the parties subject to these agreements for all its intended purposes are obligated and liable to survive the ending of this agreement.

The aforementioned Terms of Service remain in effect unless the agreement is terminated either by you or by us. If you wish to terminate your services with us, you are required to give a notice prior to by stating that you shall not be using our services or that you shall no longer use our website.

If you are found to have failed to comply with any of our Terms and Conditions of service, or if you are suspected not to be in full compliance of the same, we reserve the full right to terminate our agreement with you without notice at any given time, and you shall be required to take the liability of any amounts that remain due up to and inclusive of the termination date, and that you shall be denied access to our services either on full or part thereof.


That our failure to be in compliance with exercising or enforcing the aforementioned Terms of Service shall not necessitate a waiver of any such right or provision.

That these Terms of Service and rules of agreement encompass the full knowledge and understanding between you as our client and us as your service provider, including  any prior communications, whether oral or written, between us, including but not limited to the Terms of Service that were edited before the current ones.

Any cases of ambiguities arising from wrongful or otherwise interpretations shall not be held against us or any of our related parties.


The aforementioned Terms of Service along with any forms of communication pertaining to agreements in our service provision to you are lawfully governed and regulated by the laws of the State of Ontario.


Keep refreshing this web page for any changes made to these Terms of Service, and to see the most current version of the aforementioned.

We own the full right to do any form of editing, updating, changing, or replacing in part our Terms of Service and you shall be required to take full responsibility of checking for the said updates. If you continue to use our website after the updated changes, that shall constitute your agreeing to the updated Terms of Service.


In case of any inquiries on or around the aforementioned Terms of Service, you shall be required to communicate to us via info@beaumontdisplays.com.